
Thank you for your interest in Manim Slides! ✨

Manim Slides is an open source project, first created as a fork of manim-presentation (now deprecated in favor to Manim Slides), and we welcome contributions of all forms.

This section is here to help fist-time contributors know how they can help this project grow. Whether you are already familiar with Manim or GitHub, it is worth taking a few minutes to read those documents!

Workflow : how to work on this project. Start here if you’re a new contributor.

Internals : how Manim Slides is built and how the various parts of it work.

Reporting an Issue

If you think you found a bug, an error in the documentation, or wish there was some feature that is currently missing, we would love to hear from you!

The best way to reach us is via the GitHub issues. If your problem is not covered by an already existing (closed or open) issue, then we suggest you create a new issue. You can choose from a list of templates, or open a blank issue if your issue does not fit one of the proposed topics.

The more precise you are in the description of your problem, the faster we will be able to help you!

Seeking for Help

Sometimes, you may have a question about Manim Slides, not necessarily an issue.

First, make sure to read the F.A.Q to see if your question has already been answered. If not, please follow the recommendation (from that page) to reach us for questions.


Finally, if you do not have any GitHub account, or just wish to contact the author of Manim Slides, you can do so at: