Frequently Asked Questions

This page summarizes a few of the most frequently asked questions when using Manim Slides.

They are organized by topic.

If your question is not here, please first look through the open and closed issues on GitHub or within the discussions.

If you still cannot find help after that, do not hesitate to create your own issue or discussion on GitHub!


Everything related to installing Manim-Slides.

Please do not forget the carefully read through the installation page!


Questions related to manim-slides render [SCENES]...,

I cannot render with ManimGL

ManimGL support is only guaranteed to work on a very minimal set of versions, because it differs quite a lot from ManimCE, and its development is not very active.

The typical issues are that (1) ManimGL needs an outdated NumPy version and (2) ManimGL should not be installed from the GitHub repository, at least not from the main branch, but from a version released to PyPI.

To solve the NumPy issue, you can safely downgrade NumPy to a version supported by ManimGL, while ignoring the possible conflicting dependencies messages from pip (or else).


Questions related to manim-slides present [SCENES]..., or manim-slides [SCENES]... for short.

Can I have interactive slides

No. Slides are pre-rendered static videos files and cannot be modified on the fly.

If you need new to have some kind of interactive, look at the preview feature coupled with the OpenGL renderer with ManimCE or ManimGL.

Slides go black when video finishes

This is an issue with Qt, which cannot be solve on all platforms and Python versions, see #293.

How to increase quality on Windows

On Windows platform, one may encounter a lower image resolution than expected. Usually, this is observed because Windows rescales every application to fit the screen. As found by @arashash, in #20, the problem can be addressed by changing the scaling factor to 100%:

Windows Fix Scaling

in Settings->Display.

Converting to any format

Questions that apply to all output formats when using manim-slides convert [SCENES]....

What are all possible configuration options

Configuration options can be specified with the syntax -c<option_name>=<option_value>.

To list all accepted options, use manim-slides convert --to=FORMAT --show-config, where FORMAT is one of the supported formats. This will also show the default value for each option.

How to retrieve the current template

If you want to create your own template, the best is to start from the default one.

You can either download it from the template folder or use the manim-slides convert --to=FORMAT --show-template command, where FORMAT is one of the supported formats.

Converting to HTML

Questions related to manim-slides convert [SCENES]... output.html.

I moved my .html file and it stopped working

If you did not specify -cdata_uri=true when converting, then Manim Slides generated a folder containing all the video files, in the same folder as the HTML output. As the path to video files is a relative path, you need to move the HTML and its assets altogether.

Converting to PPTX

Questions related to manim-slides convert [SCENES]... output.pptx.

My media stop playing after a few slides

This issue is (probably) caused by PowerPoint never freeing memory, causing memory allocation errors, and can be partially solved by reducing the video quality or the number of slides, see #392.